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Foundations of Subaward Management: best practices and systems management

Award and subaward management is a collaboration among organizations to achieve objectives of a project. Build successful collaborations through clear negotiations, monitoring and management standards based on value -based risk assessments and use of appropriate subaward mechanisms, tools and resources.


This course outlines the requirements for building strong award and subaward management systems that are based on donor rules and regulations, best practices, and a focus on collaborative capacity-building actions between the subrecipient and the pass through entity. It addresses solutions and problem resolution to risk identification, risk assessment and challenges encountered in award and subaward management.

This course will strengthen your award implementation standards, relationships with subrecipients, help you better manage your role as an implementer,  pass through entity or as a subrecipient, and help focus attention to successful achievement of objectives.



This course is designed for participants that:

1. have completed at least one previous training on the US Uniform Guidance (2 CFR 200).

2. manage grants or cooperative agreements with subawards from USAID, CDC and/or the State Department.

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