Navigating US Government Requirements for Cooperative Agreements and Grants
Type: In-person, instructor led, interactive
Duration: 3 days
Funding Types: Grants & Cooperative Agreements
Customizable: Yes
All are welcome
Effectively navigating US Government regulations is key to a successful program. By the end of this three-day training, participants will be able to research, interpret, and apply the regulations of their US Government grant or cooperative agreement. Our expert facilitators will guide participants through the core compliance areas in:
financial management
property management
human resources
business development
ethical standards
subaward management
audit requirements
Participants will explore interactive, relevant, and practical examples to build confidence in day-to-day management of an award, prepare for challenges, and improve organizational policies.
All Are Welcome To Attend
This course is designed for participants from:
any non-profit or for-profit entity that is currently implementing or preparing for a grant or cooperative agreement with funding from any US Government agency
US-based organizations working domestically and/or internationally
National and Implementing Country Organizations receiving US Government funding
Prime Recipients/Pass Through Entities
Sub recipients
Auditors or CPAs